
Best practices for Segments


Creating the right sized audience

When building Segments, it's very easy to have large audiences — especially with OffsiteID where you benefit from all contacts in-market for a topic, not just your own site visitors.

Large audiences can be troublesome:

  1. Too much data is inactionable
  2. Many Segment Actions are not enabled for audiences that are too large

If your audience is larger than 30k contacts, Actions will be disabled

It's always a good idea to combine multiple filters in your Segments to create audiences that better impact your Marketing and Sales functions.


  1. Adding title filters
  2. Adding company size filters
  3. Adding seniortity filters
  4. Adding department filters
  5. Adding target account filters

Filter FAQs

  1. Each rules acts as an AND condition
  2. Multiple values in the same rule act as an OR condition